Although there were many people who came to my birthday party on the 25, the thing that actually matters the most were the few close friends that were there with me…the others…they are the others, they are there to enjoy only. I treasure my good friends as they have helped me immensely, you know, friends that are willing to stay back with you after the soirée to help you clean up ;)
For my part, I always hope that I can be a trusted friend.
PS: I received a birthday card from my family and I can say that I was very touched…it is very different when you write to someone with your handwriting than some plain emails.

Joyeux anniversaire mon ami!! Un an plus agreable, plus malin et plus sexy.ahaha.chow dude.
j'ai honte
car et oui je n'étais pas là après la fete pour t'aider à ranger...bien que tu es toute ma considération
excuse-moi,promis pour la procahine fete je serais là!!!(pour ranger)
non non, c'est pas grave, tu sais j'ai galéré tout le week-end tout seul et puis toute la semaine aussi :) mais c'est pas grave, j'ai l'habitude
just kidding
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