Saturday, December 02, 2006

Time flies

The first semester is going to end soon, or has it already? No idea. The point is that time flies, it has been more then 3 months since we quitted Colmar, yet, the time there seems so distant. In 3 months, we have moved to different places, met new friends, had new classes, speak better French, I would never dream of returning to life in Colmar, even if I miss some good friends and teachers there. Life just continues, swiping you along whether you like it or not.



Mic. Tham said...

are you yuan sheng's (Ting) fren?

Amy said...

yesss time do flies really fast :D

Anonymous said...

yeap...i'm his classmate

Anonymous said...

j'espère que tu ne regrette pas trop colmar...
j'apprécie beaucoup votre présence
et puis ça me permet aussi "d'appredre" l'!

Anonymous said...

c'est qui deby?
c'est déborah? ici français est interdite ;) speak english pls

Anonymous said...

ok I'll try...

Tabula Rasa said...

hie hie deby...